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Um Contratempo (Contratiempo) Trailer Legendado …
Contratiempo Directed by Juan Bermúdez With Alfredo Zamora Silvia Sustacha Rafael Sandoval Manuel De Reyes A pharmaceutical businessman receives a call when he gets on the elevator on his way home On the roof of the elevator there is.
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Curtametragem “Contratempo” engrossa o coro pro vacina em narrativa baseada no luto da atriz Marieli Goergen Sinopse Marieli perdeu o pai vítima de COVID19 Contratempo traz a urgência.
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Missing contratempoMust include OverviewPlotCastFilmingReceptionRemakesExternal linksSpanish businessman Adrián Doria is out on bail after being arrested for the murder of his lover Laura Vidal His lawyer Félix Leiva hires prestigious defense attorney Virginia Goodman who visits him at his apartment with the news that the prosecutor has found a witness who will be testifying in front of a judge soon they have three hours to come up with a defense so Virginia urges her client to tell her the whole truth Text under.
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#Netflix #Suspense #UmContratempoUm Contratempo é um filme Espanhol no catálogo da Netflix Um filme de suspense com muitas reviravoltas Um elenco afiado e.