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“If illegal trade continues in the future in the same volume or even bigger than what has already been found Indonesia’s biological diversity will be under threat” Program Manager of Wildlife Trade Wildlife Conservation Society Indonesia Program Dwi Nugroho Adhiasto told a press conference on World Wildlife Day 2017 in Jakarta.

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The illegal trade in fauna and flora (other than fisheries and timber) has been estimated by different sources to be worth US$ 723 billion dollars annually and US$ 25 billion in East Asia and the Pacific alone The value of the illegal trade in Indonesia alone is estimated at up to US$ 1 billion per year Factoring in the unsustainable legal trade the value rockets representing an.

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He cited the fact that insider trading is already illegal but said Democrats would consider a ban But concerns about stock trading by members of Congress go beyond just insider trading.

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Indonesia Sees Increase in Illegal Wildlife Trade en

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Forex Trading Adalah Legal Atau Ilegal Di Indonesia

Indonesia Says No to Illegal Wildlife Trade, Securing

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Terjemahan frasa ILLEGAL TRADE dari bahasa inggris ke bahasa indonesia dan contoh penggunaan “ILLEGAL TRADE” dalam kalimat dengan terjemahannya Illegal trade in wildlife is.