Imam Ibnu Hambali. Imam Shafi'i said among many other praises “Ahmad is an Imam in eight fields he is an imam in hadith jurisprudence AlQur'an AlLughah AlSunnah AlZuhd AlWarak and AlFaqr” AlDhahabi one of the most major Islamic biographers notes in his masterpiece Siyar A'lam Nubala that Ibn Hanbal's status in jurisprudence is alike AlLayth ibn Sa'd Malik ibn Anas AlShafi'i and Abu Era Region Occupation Religion.

Para ulama seperti Imam Ibnu Taymiyyah dan Imam Ibnu alQayyim begabung dengan pemahaman madrasahnya Imam Hambali menganggap ijtihad (proses pengambilan keputusan hukum dalam hukum Islam dengan interpretasi independen atas sumbersumber hukum) diperlukan di setiap zaman dan meyakini bahwa pintunya tetap terbuka.
Ibn Rajab Wikipedia
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Biografi Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal Atau Imam Hambali
BiographyWorksSee AlsoExternal LinksImam Ibn Rajab was born in Baghdad in 1335 (736H) His grandfather was a scholar of Islam with a focus in Hadith His father also born in Baghdad studied under a number of scholars At the age of five Ibn Rajab's family moved to Damascus then traveled to Jerusalem where he studied under alAlla'i then back to Baghdad and from there to Mecca While in Mecca his father arranged for him to study Islam as well He then traveled to Egypt before returning to Damascus where he taught students of his own Some of the scholars he studied under were Ibn anNaqeeb (d 769H) asSubki alIraqi (d 806H) and Muhammad Ibn Ismail alKhabbaz He also studied with Ibn Qayyim alJawziyyah up to Ibn alQayyim's death Ibn Rajab's commentary on the forty hadith of Nawawi (Jami' alUlum wa alHikam) is one of the largest and is generally considered the best commentary available Near the end of his life Ibn Rajab began composing a commentary on Sahih Bukhari but unfortunately only reached the c Tafsir and Qur'anic studies 1 Tafsir Surah alIkhlaas 2 Tafsir Surah alFaatihah 3 Tafsir Surah anNasr 4 I'raab alBismillah 5 AlIstighnaa bilQur'an Hadith studies and explanations 1 Sharh Jaami' alTirmidhi of which only the last portion of remains – Sharh 'Ilal atTirmidhi 2 Fath alBari bi Sharh Sahih alBukhari ( A commentary on Sahih Bukhari) 3 Jami' al'Uloom walHikam fi Sharh khamsina Hadithan min Jawami alKalim (published in English translation as The Compendium of Knowledge and Wisdomby Turath Publishing Ltd London July 2007) 4 Maa Dhi'bani Ja'iaan ursilaa fi Ghanam 5 Ikhtiyaar alAwlaa fi Sharh Hadith Ikhtisaam alMala alA'alaa 6 Noor alIqtibas fi Fiqh 1 AlIstikhraj fi Ahkam alKharaj 2 AlQawa'id alFiqhiyyah 3 Kitab Ahkam alKhawatim wa ma yat'alaqu biha (in French) Ibn RajabFrom Attawhidnet Title ZainuddinDied 14 July 1393 (aged 57) Born 4 November 1335 Religion.
Ahmad ibn Hanbal Wikipedia
Imam AlShafi'ee said about Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal “I left Baghdad and did not leave behind me anyone more virtuous more learned more knowledgeable than Ahmad Ibn Hanbal” “Ahmad Bin Hanbal was a leading scholar in many fields in Hadith in Fiqh in Quran in asceticism in piety and in knowledge of Sunnah”.
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Ibnu Taimiyah mengkritik Imam Hanbali yang mengatakan bahwa kalamullah itu qadim menurut Ibnu Taimiyah jika kalamullah qadim maka kalamnya juga qadim Ibnu taimiyah adalah seorang tekstualis oleh sebab itu pandangannya oleh AlKhatib AlJauzi sebagai pandangan tajsim Allah (antropomorpisme) yakni menyerupakan Allah dengan makhlukNya Oleh Karen itu AlJauzi berpendapat bahwwa pengakuan ibn.