Metil Eugenol. Seven varieties of holy basil in Malaysia and Indonesia can be grouped into three chemotypes based on the phenylpropanoid content in leaf essential oils two as eugenol chemotypes with 66–73% eugenol and 05–31 % ME four ME chemotypes with 78–81% ME and 27–58 % eugenol and one ME—eugenol chemotype with 52% ME and 27% eugenol (Nurdijati et al 1996) The phenylpropanoids in the Author Keng Hong Tan Ritsuo NishidaCited by Publish Year 2012.
Enggi S Garden Dampak Lalat Buah Pada Produksi Komoditas Hortikultura Lalat Buah Adalah Salah Satu Jenis Hama Yang Banyak Menyerang Tanaman Cabai Tomat Mangga Jeruk Belimbing Jambu Pisang Nangka Dan Sebagainya Hama from Facebook
Methyl eugenol IFRA Standard – Methyl eugenol July 10 2015 1/2 CAS N° 93152 Empirical formula Structure C 11 H 14 O 2 Synonyms Eugenyl methyl ether Methyl eugenol ether Allylveratrole Veratrole methyl ether 4Allyl12dimethoxybenzene Benzene.
IFRA STANDARD 47 Methyl eugenol
Modify 20211113 Create 20040916 Eugenol also called clove oil is an aromatic oil extracted from cloves that is used widely as a flavoring for foods and teas and as an herbal oil used topically to treat toothache and more rarely to be taken orally to treat gastrointestinal and respiratory complaints Molecular Formula C10H12O2PubChem CID 33K.
Eugenol C10H12O2 PubChem
Methyleugenol was identified as a volatile flavor compound in the juice of Kogyoku apples and occurs as a component of rose oil and pimento oil If released to air a vapor pressure of 0012 mm Hg at 25 °C indicates methyleugenol will exist almost entirely as a vapor Molecular Formula C11H14O2PubChem CID 71K.
Enggi S Garden Dampak Lalat Buah Pada Produksi Komoditas Hortikultura Lalat Buah Adalah Salah Satu Jenis Hama Yang Banyak Menyerang Tanaman Cabai Tomat Mangga Jeruk Belimbing Jambu Pisang Nangka Dan Sebagainya Hama
Occurrence, Distribution, and Methyl Eugenol: Its Role in
Methyl eugenol Wikipedia
PubChem Methyleugenol C11H14O2
Methyl eugenol ( allylveratrol) is a natural chemical compound classified as a phenylpropene a type of phenylpropanoid It is the methyl ether of eugenol and is important to insect behavior and pollination It is found in various essential oils Methyl eugenol is found in a number of plants (over 450 species from 80 families including both Chemical formula C₁₁H₁₄O₂EC Number 2022230Density 098 g/cm³Molar mass 178231 gmol−1.