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Oral sepsis from tonsils or teeth may be aggravated or even set up by surgical treatment There are two groups of dental causes apical infection which if acute may lead to abscess or if milder to a granuloma granuloma Subject Category Miscellaneous see more details about the root tip or the form due to pyorrhoea This last being open is seldom serious Contraindications to.
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William Hunter’s “oral sepsis” and American odontology William Hunter’s “oral sepsis” and American odontology William Hunter’s “oral sepsis” and American odontology Bull Hist Dent 1973 Dec21(2)739 Author O C Francke PMID 4524032 No.
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Oral Sepsis: In Its Relationship to Systemic Disease
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Symptoms and causes Mayo Clinic Tooth abscess
and causes Sepsis Symptoms Mayo Clinic
Prevent Oral Infections, Prevent Sepsis: World Oral Health
Oral Sepsis: As A Cause Of Septic Gastritis, Toxic
Oral Sepsis In Its Relationship To Systemic Disease
Systemic Diseases Caused by Oral Infection
Oral Sepsis: In Its Relationship To Systemic Disease
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Oral Sepsis: In Its Relationship To Systemic Disease
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Sepsis Wikipedia
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