Ra Baruba De. RaBarubaDe Ichijou Kaoru Summary The humans were wrong RaBarubaDe survived the attacks and now she's watching them Language English Words 1004 Chapters.

OverviewHistorySee AlsoRaBarubaDe was the first Ra to appear assuming the guise of a RoseTattooed Woman she was labeled “Unidentified Life Form B1” and served as the judge for Zu and Me group Gurongi as well as bringing Go into the game before making visits to Nagano Her main job was to authorize any member of Gurongi Tribe to start the Gegeru Later she was accompanied by RaDorudoGu during the Go game Her only known power was emitting rose petals that could induce hypnosis and dizziness Her manga incarnat Nothing much known about her in Zorto's era During the modern era she acts judge and strategist for Gurongi tribe She is one of the few seen speaking to Daguva onscreen without being killed by him implying she is his lieutenant The orders she gives usually comes from him despite his absence making her the de facto main antagonist as Daguva is busy hunting for the rest of his power in the early arcs of the show Though glimpses of her true form were seen she never assumed it before any hu RaBarbudaDe Counterpart In Kamen Rider Kuuga.
RaBarubaDe Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki Fandom
OverviewHistoryPersonalityAgent Abracadabra Agent Abracadabra Olga Romanova “Beatrice Bergamot” General Information Name Abracadabra Kanji kanji Romanji romanji Alias Agent Abracadabra Olga Romanova the Hostess the Great Healer the Purple Sanctuary Hecuba Hocus Pocus the Queen of Games Wilhemina Venable the Genius Gamer Abracadabra the Mistress of Gamble Operatic Gambler Beatrice Bergamot Nether Esolendy the Demon Prince Esolendy Esolendy Capricorn Characteristics Race Zodiac Demon Age Unknown Gender Femal Abracadabra's origin story had been vague It was widely believed that she is a Zodiac Demon formed after the Feast of Apollo born from a schizophrenic woman As a result of this she could produce several copies and alternate versions of herself reincarnating in the same time throughout history Because of her split personalities in different timeline each of her appearance could be considered as a different character in the same husk caused by the events that affected her parallel versions Overall Agent Abracadabra (in LOTM Star Spangled Crown) ” Jawline Blood Game? Was it fun? Abracadabra Yeah it was a perfect funtime!” — Agent Abracadabra on her view of the Zodiac Blood Game As the raiser of the new Blood Game Agent Abracadabra was bored calculating and cruel and found pleasure in “playing” with her victims Her “favorite part” of the games was watching Maria's companions break down in defeat and she loved watching her phantom armies kill each other though the Gender FemaleRace Zodiac DemonName Abracadabra.
La·Balva·De Kamen Rider Wiki Fandom
RaBarubaDe (ラバルバデ Ra Baruba De) is the one of the two secondary antagonists of Kamen Rider Kuuga and the main antagonist of its manga adaptation Community content is available under CCBYSA unless otherwise noted Let's Go Luna! Wiki.
RaBarubaDe Villains Wiki Fandom
OverviewHistoryBehind the scenesFor the Manga version see LaBalvaDe (2015 manga) LaBalvaDe (ラバルバデ LaBalvaDe 247) was the first La to appear assuming the guise of a Rose Tattoo's Lady she was labeled “Unidentified Lifeform B1” and served as the judge for Xu and Me group Gurongi as well as bringing Go into the game before making visits to Nagano Her main job was to authorize any member of Gurongi Tribe to start the Gegel Later she was accompanied by LaDoldoGu during the Go game Her Nothing much known about her in Riku's era During the modern era she acts judge and strategist for Gurongi tribe She is one of the few seen speaking to Daguva onscreen without being killed by him implying she is his lieutenant The orders she gives usually comes from him despite his absence making her the de facto main antagonist as Daguva is busy hunting for the rest of his power in the early arcs of the show Though glimpses of her true form were seen she never assumed it before any hum Portrayal LaBalvaDe is portrayed by Mie Nanamori (七森 美江 Nanamori Mié ) who later potrayed Lisa Teagle/ Deka Bright in Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger.
Picture Of Ra Baruba De
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Agent Abracadabra Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki Fandom
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角色经历相关作品最初被发现的人类形态古朗基,与主要配角一条薰多次相遇。因为过去的临多是热爱和平的种族,而现代的人类却社会却到处有争斗与犯罪,于是她也发出了“临多也改变了”的感叹,并预言现代人可能会 《假面骑士空我》《假面骑士空我小说》.