Repository Universitas Indonesia. REPOSITORY UNIVERSITAS MEDAN AREA Repository of Medan Area University is the best Institutional Repository of Private University #1 in Sumatera #26 in Indonesia and #403 in the World (based on Webometrics Institutional Repositories by Google Scholar May 2021) Repository of Medan Area University is a digital service that collects preserves and distributes digital.
Welcome To Repository Digital Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Repository Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia from
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia (JAKI) is a peerreviewed journal published by Department of Accounting Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia twice a year (June and December) JAKI aims to publish articles in the field of accounting and finance that provide the significant contribution to the development of accounting practices and the.
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia – Teknokrat Sang Juara
Unand Student Community Service Students Follow Direction and Dialogue Together with the Chief of Staff of the President Friday 02 November 2018 Padang (Unand) In order to prepare for the 2015 Andalas University students to carry out Real Work Lectures (KKN) in 2018 Andalas University held a KKN training by presenting the Presidential Staff of the Republic of Indonesia.
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Universitas Indonesia
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