Teori Imogene King. Dalam tulisan ini mencoba untuk menyajikan hasil analisa Theory of Goal Attainment yang diperkenalkan oleh Imogene M King pada tahun 1971 Teori yang bersifat terbuka dan dinamis dengan sembilan konsep utama yang meliputi interaksi persepsi komunikasi transaksi peran stress tumbuh kembang waktu dan ruang (Marriner A 1986).
Model Konseptual Imogene King Rsud Puri Husada Tembilahan from MODEL KONSEPTUAL IMOGENE KING – RSUD PURI HUSADA TEMBILAHAN
Teori konseptual imogene m king 1 Memberikan informasi tentang teori keperawatan menurut Imogene M King Mengetahui asumsi model keperawtan Imogene M King Mengetahui model konsep dan teori keperawatan Imogene M King Mengetahui konsep paradigma Imogene M King Mengetahui proses Keperawatan menurut Imogene M King 2.
Teori Imogene M. King ~ Ilmu Keperawatan
Biography of Imogene KingTheory of Goal Attainment of Imogene KingSee AlsoReferencesExternal LinksImogene Martina King (January 30 1923 – December 24 2007) was one of the pioneers and most sought nursing theorists for her Theory of Goal Attainmentwhich she developed in the early 1960s Her work is being taught to thousands of nursing students worldwide and is implemented in various service settings As a recognized global leader King truly made a positive difference for the nursing profession with her significant impact on nursing’s scientific base She made an enduring impact on nursing education practice and research while serving as a consummate active leader in professional nursing Some people consider their “success” after being hired in a great and wellknown institution But when someone decides to pursue a career in nursing one should set his or her mind that they should be an instrument in helping patients get healthy And to achieve that it’s important to set health goals with the patient then take steps to achieve those goals Imogene M King’s Theory of Goal Attainment focuses on this process to guide and direct nurses in the nursepatient relationship going handinhand with their patients to meet good health goals King’s Theory of Goal Attainment was first introduced in the 1960s From the title itself the model focuses on the attainment of certain life goals It explains that the nurse and patient go handinhand in communicating information set goals together and then take actions to achieve those goals King has interrelated the concepts of interaction perception communication transaction self role stress growth and development tim You may also like the following nursing theories study guides 1 Nursing Theories and Theorists– The Ultimate Nursing Theories and Theorists Guide for Nurses Imogene King Biography (nd) Retrieved July 7 2014 from https//kingclubexpresscom/contentaspx?page_id=22&club_id=459369&module_id=59920https//wwwreflectionsonnursingleadershiporg/Alligood M & Tomey A (2010) Nursing theorists and their work seventh edition Maryland Heights MosbyElsevierSafier G (1977) Contemporary American leaders in nursing An oral history New York McGraw Hill.
Teori Keperawatan Imogene King [klzz1qgx1ylg]
Menurut King intensitas dari interpersonal system sangatmenentukan dalam menetapkan pencapaian tujuan keperawatanAdapun beberapa karakteristik teori Imogene King (Christensen &Kenney1995) Sistem personal adalah individu atau klien yang dilihat sebagai sistemterbuka mampu berinteraksi mengubah energi dan informasi denganlingkungannya.
Teori konseptual imogene m. king slideshare.net
Imogene King was born on January 30 1923 in West Point Iowa She received her nursing diploma from St John’s Hospital School of Nursing in St Louis Missouri in 1945 In 1948 she earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from St Louis University and went on to complete her Master’s of Science in Nursing also from St Louis University in 1957.
Model Konseptual Imogene King Rsud Puri Husada Tembilahan
Imogene King Nursing Theory
Teori Imogene King [1d470qoxq2l2] idoc.pub
Imogene King: Theory of Goal Attainment (Study Guide
TeoriKing dapat dipakai pada semua tatanan pelayanan keperawatan 5 Teori keperawatan King dapat dikembangkan dan diuji melalui riset 6 Teori ini sangat penting pada kolaborasi antara tenaga kesehatan Kekurangan Teori Imogene King 1 Beberapa definisi konsep dasar kurang jernih 2 Teori ini berfokus pada sistem interpersonal.